
Flag: --pre-new-task
Conf: pre_new_task
Path to the script executed before creating a new task. If none, no action is taken before a new task is created

Flag: --post-new-task
Conf: post_new_task
Path to the script executed after creating a new task. If none, no action is taken after a new task is created

Flag: --pre-remove-task
Conf: pre_remove_task
Path to the script executed before removing a task. If none, no action is taken before a task is removed

Flag: --post-remove-task
Conf: post_remove_task
Path to the script executed after removing a task. If none, no action is taken after a task is removed

Flag: --pre-move-task
Conf: pre_move_task
Path to the script executed before moving a task. If none, no action is taken before a task is moved

Flag: --post-move-task
Conf: post_move_task
Path to the script executed after moving a task. If none, no action is taken after a task is moved

Flag: --pre-update-task
Conf: pre_update_task
Path to the script executed before updating a task. If none, no action is taken before a task is updated

Flag: --post-update-task
Conf: post_update_task
Path to the script executed after updating a task. If none, no action is taken after a task is updated