
Todo.txt TUI is a powerful and flexible terminal-based interface designed to simplify task management. Its customization options allow you to tailor the tool to fit your workflow. Below, you'll find a comprehensive list of keybindings and actions, organized by category, to help you get started. All actions can be customized in the configuration file to suit your preferences.



  • j: Move down to the next task in the list.
  • k: Move up to the previous task in the list.
  • g: Jump directly to the first task in the list.
  • G: Jump directly to the last task in the list.

Managing Tasks:

  • Enter: Show task in preview.
  • U: Move the currently selected task up in the list.
  • D: Move the currently selected task down in the list.
  • x: Remove the selected task permanently from the list.
  • d: Toggle a task's status between pending and done.
  • I: Input a new task into the list.
  • E: Edit the currently selected task to update its details.

Widget Navigation:

  • J: Jump to the widget located below the current one.
  • K: Jump to the widget located above the current one.
  • H: Move to the widget on the left side of the current one.
  • L: Move to the widget on the right side of the current one.

Filtering and Searching Tasks:

  • Backspace: Apply a filter to display specific categories in the pending or done lists.
  • /: Search for a keyword or phrase within the current list.
  • n: Navigate to the next occurrence of the search term.
  • N: Navigate to the previous occurrence of the search term.
  • h: Clear the current search term and reset the list view.

File Operations:

  • S: Save all current tasks to the todo.txt file.
  • u: Reload tasks from the todo.txt file to update the list with external changes.


  • q: Quit Todo.txt TUI and save any unsaved changes.

Task Input Bar

The task input bar allows you to add or edit tasks. Press Enter to confirm the input and save the task, or press Esc to cancel. Additionally, common Bash/Emacs keybindings are supported:

  • Ctrl+w: Delete the previous word.
  • Ctrl+e: Move the cursor to the end of the line.
  • Ctrl+a: Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
  • Ctrl+k: Delete from the cursor to the end of the line.
  • Ctrl+u: Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

It is also possible to use tab key to autocomplete existing projects, contexts or hashtags.